BGB Design Group is a recognized expert in irrigation design for the landscape industry with over 40 years of experience. With in-house irrigation design, BGB is able to navigate the complexities of agency approvals, in concert with sustainable landscape design, in the era of State mandated water conservation requirements.
Art Guy, president of BGB, is a Certified Irrigation Water Auditor, has served as an Irrigation Examiner for the State Board of Landscape Architects, and provides plan checking services to public agencies for adherence to California AB1881 guidelines.
In today’s world of water scarcity, it is important to understand a project’s irrigation demand and complexities surrounding the water agency approval process.
The backbone for any successful landscape design is a properly designed irrigation system. BGB has been at the forefront in providing their clients with demand analysis for irrigation infrastructure planning.

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”
Loren Eiseley
“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.”
Antiquated “catch-can” field testing has given way to new proprietary computer modeling software technology
When requested to evaluate efficiencies of existing projects, BGB is supported by Water Management Group to prepare as-builts with drones that input data into proprietary Spatial Water Distribution Technology software; this produces an analysis of water distribution efficiency for existing or proposed irrigation systems utilizing advanced computer modeling techniques.

Data collection is transformed into a Water Distribution Analysis
Distribution efficiency correction model
Additionally, PlanCheckPro software assists in backchecking design assumptions to achieve a high-efficiency irrigation design. This technology is invaluable in the retrofit design for aging projects and confirming the basis of design for new projects.
BGB also supports communities and agencies in the water rebate programs such as turf reduction, smart controller upgrades, sensors and water efficient nozzle replacements that are offered through Metropolitan Water District and other local water agencies.